How do I access my OnlineGiving account to change my information or my Giving?

For future donations, or to make changes to your payment methods or your recurring gifts, log in to the Online Giving site by entering your current User ID or the email address used for this email, {}, and enter your current password.

How do i reset or change my password?

To reset your password, go to, then click Give Now to a Staff Member
You can use the “Forgot your password?” link to reset it or select “Log in with phone number.”

How can I give to a staff member via text message?

To give to a staff member via text message, simply text their last name and the amount you wish to give to 612.404.0644 and you will receive instructions on how to complete your gift.

Can I give to multiple staff all at once?

Yes! With OnlineGiving, you can set up multiple gifts at once. Select the first staff member’s gift fund and enter the amount you would like to give. Then click the + sign to the right of the staff member’s name to add a second staff gift. There is no limit to the number of gifts you can set up.

How do I print my Contribution Statement?

Click the link below for the statement page (you may have to log in)
Then click the Save As PDF button to download a copy you can print

My Contribution Statements

How do I Donate through Stock?

From a Brokerage Account
Transfer to: Stifel Nicolaus
DTC # 0793
Account # 8189-4881

Stifel Nicolaus does not inform COM who gave stock for privacy reasons. 
You should inform COM of the donation and if you plan to give future donations.

Receipting for Stock Gifts
You will receive an acknowledgment of the donation from TNC Financial Secretary.

Further Questions?
Contact our Resource Office
Call: 612.217.2661

How do I Donate through A Charitable Foundation?

Please contact our Resource Office to receive instructions on giving to through a charitable foundation.
Call: 612.217.2661

Do you give refunds for gifts to staff?

Because gifts are given to the ministry of Campus Outreach Minneapolis, no refunds can be given. If an extenuating family circumstance comes up please contact us for help.

Do you give refunds for gifts to Summer Projects?

Due to IRS regulations all support raised by each STP (or TCP and CCP) participant goes toward the cost of the Summer Project, not an individual participant. Therefore money donated cannot be returned if a particular individual were not able to attend. Any gifts received in excess of each project’s budget will be used to further Campus Outreach Minneapolis Ministries. All contributions to Campus Outreach Minneapolis are income tax deductible and are under the direction of The North Church. The donor has not received any tangible goods or services for this contribution. Campus Outreach Minneapolis endeavors to use gifts where suggested. Contributions are solicited with the understanding that Campus Outreach Minneapolis has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds.

Other questions

Feel free to contact us with any other questions you may have.