Heigh ho, heigh ho...

…It’s off to work we go.

A majority of the students on Project have been blessed with full-time jobs in the community. Over 50 work at Walmart. Also, there are some at Chic-Filet, Krystal Burger, McDonalds, Sonic, Buy Low, KFC, Painters, and a few various internships.

For many students, Saturdays mean longer hours, as there are no scheduled Project events.

Tonight, people are relaxing from a long day flipping burgers and stocking shelves. Some people are playing pool ball, some are throwing a frisbee, some are playing cards, and some are plucking the ukulele. As Rachel Sandager, Caleb Nordquist, Lucy Lou, and Max Cruz play Egyptian Rat Race (a card game), they reflect on their day.

Rachel (Walmart):

“I could smile for days now with all my practice as a greeter.”

Caleb (McDonalds):

“From beginning to end, you’re just making sandwiches, and you really don’t have time to think.”

Lucy (Walmart):

“My feet hurt, but I’m happy.”

Max (internship at a vet clinic):

“I got to save lives.”

Awake to the Scriptures: What is the Bible?

This morning everyone walked across the parking lot for Bible Study Training at Garden City Chapel.

Elliot Stokes went through what the Bible is and why we read it.

“Here are the most important things about the universe … and you’re being walked through those things (when you read the Bible),” he said.

Elliot started by explaining that all of the Scriptures are about Jesus.

“If we miss that, it’s not just that we’re reading the Bible wrong. It means we have a heart defect.”

He stressed how the Bible is God’s spoken word – that God literally speaks things into existence. He creates and defines truth by his words.  He referenced 2 Timothy 3:15-16 and 2 Peter 3:15-16 to explain this.

Elliot called everyone to open the Bible realizing that they are hearing from God.

He also talked about how “the Bible tells you who God is, and people don’t like that.” People like to make up things about God and choose what they like or don’t like to believe.

“The real God is way, way, way better than anything you would make up,” Elliot said.

Titus 3:3 says, “For we ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, led astray, slaves to various passions and pleasures, passing our days in malice and envy, hated by others and hating one another.”

“That’s you,” Elliot said. “The Bible tells you the hard truth about yourself.”

The last point Elliot made was that “the Bible didn’t die for your sins.”

“The Bible is not God,” he said. “It reveals God.”

After the message, some of the students said this was convicting, reflecting on how it can be easy to seek forgiveness by getting in the Word rather than falling before the cross.

Bible Study Training is a weekly event. Every Friday morning, a different message is presented, and then we practice the inductive method of reading the Scriptures. This morning, we read today’s verse from Colossians: Col. 1:24.

Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am filling up what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the sake of his body, that is, the church.

Relationships Week

This week at project we are focusing on the topic of relationships. What does it mean to have a God-honoring and Christ-centered relationship? This was a central question that was highly focused on.

Andrew and Lauren Holbrook gave the relationships seminar.  Andrew Holbrook is the regional director of Campus Outreach Charlotte.  In their talks, they highlighted the fact that relationships are to point us more to Jesus Christ, not merely another person.  In addition, they walked through how biblical marriages symbolize Christ's love for His church.  They also answered many misconceptions our culture has towards relationships.

Many students were encouraged by these talks.  There was much conversation by the students evaluating their relationships and setting goals and guidelines for healthy relationship. Remya Thomas, an international recent graduate from St. Stephens in Delhi, India, was quoted saying, "It's not all about marriage, and It's not about the intimacy we share with a man or a woman, but marriage is a glimpse of the intimacy we will share with the Lord." This thought was what stuck out to her the most from relatiosnhips week.

Remya Thomas is attending our project this summer.  Former Cross Cultural Projects from CO Minneapolis have come to St. Stephens College in the past summers.  They have been able to minister to her and help equip her to lead other women.  We are so blessed by her coming this summer. Last night, students gathered

outside and prayed together for the people of Dhobi, India.  They prayed that these people would hear the gospel of Christ. Remya was able to provide us with insight into the people.

Project was incredibly blessed by the Holbrooks coming to speak about relationships.  Students are excited to grow in godly relationships with one another and in dating relationships.  We are also delighted that Remya is with us this summer. Her being here is a continual reminder to pray for the nations that have not yet been reached with the gospel.

News from South Carolina

120 students and staff have safely arrived in Garden City, South Carolina! The past couple weeks have been a whirlwind, but the Lord has proven so faithful to his children.
Student leaders and staff arrived at project on May 30.  They quickly prepared for the disciples to arrive on June 2.  During their time in preparation, they spent time cleaning the motel, praying for Christ to work in the hearts of the disciples coming to project, and enjoying talks that gave practical advise on ministering.  However, through their very full schedule, the leaders also had some time to rest and relax before the new students came.
The new students arrived on project on May 2.  Jobs for the summer were soon designated to them.  After settling in, they too spent time in preparation for the summer.  The students had time to get acquainted with project and their new roommates.  Each student leader, or room leader, has three or four disciples in their room.  This summer we have had more students from CO Minneapolis attend the training project than every before.  This is only due to the Lord's faithfulness and grace to our ministry!

After settling in, we have had  meetings, work, socials, and more bonding time.  Eric Lonergan gives a bible study training talk each friday morning.   This past Friday, many students had excellent questions concerning why they study the Bible.  Eric was able to clearly explain that the ultimate reason we study the Bible is to know Christ more.  Reid Jilek is giving some life training talks on Sundays before church.  In his last talk, he gave biblical reasons and support for why and how, as Christians, we should handle our finances in a godly manner.  Students have been soaking in the talks and learning about the grace that God has for them in Christ Jesus.
There has also been time for fun events, such as our socials, that are held each Thursday night.  Last week, we enjoyed this time playing beach games.  Students and staff were split into three teams, and competed against one another.  One competition was building a sand castle and creating a story to go along with it.
Overall, this summer has had an excellent start! Everything has gone so smoothly. Everyone has been able to transition well.  The Lord is working in the lives of students, revealing their sin and need for Christ. Already, people have become believers! Many students are ready and eager to continue to grow with community this summer!  It is exciting to see how the Lord will be working!

Notebooks are filling up

“This is heavy.”

Matt Reagan said that a couple times last night as a part of his response to the questions at Theology Time.

Every Sunday night, a couple people on staff answer any questions students may have about God, Christianity, and anything else. Last week, Matt Reagan and Jon Saunders and about 20 students huddled under the tent during a massive thunderstorm to have this discussion.

Three nights ago, Paul Poteat and Matt Reagan answered a variety of questions, from heaven and hell to angels and demons to sin and salvation. The format of the discussion is question-and-answer. Students ask questions, and Paul and Matt point to places all over the Bible for answers.

So, here are three of the questions asked and the responses given, as well as a complete list of all the questions asked.*

What does the Bible say about levels of heaven? – Josh Drost, Michigan State University

They are not the layers found in Dante’s Inferno, but the idea of levels in heaven is Biblical. 1 Cor. 3: 9-17 talks about this.

Matt said that Not extra possessions in heaven.

In 1 Thes. 2, the apostle Paul talks about how the people he is writing to are his “glory and joy” at the coming of Jesus. Matt stressed that this language of boasting and reward ultimately gives Jesus all the glory.

There will be rewards in heaven. Matt said, “You ought not worry too much about your heavenly rewards.” He stressed that there will be no envy. The way we will think about our own rewards and other rewards will be in a completely sinless way.

Paul added that rewards don’t come when we think intentionally about the rewards. It’s the gospel that produces good fruit. “Focus on who Jesus is for you and not who you are for Jesus,” Matt said.

They also pointed out that Luke 12:47-48 talks about levels of Hell.

If someone were to ask, “Why can we not atone for our own sin,” where do I point them? – Ben Degroote, Michigan State University

Matt and Paul brought up Hebrews 7-9, suggesting that Ben look there to understand how the sacrificial system is insufficient.

Then, a woman who had stopped to listen shouted from the back, “Romans 6:23.” She said she was there with a small group, and she said, “that’s the perfect verse!” For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Matt just said, “Amen.”

At the end of the discussion, Paul added a reference to Rom. 8:5-7, explaining how the flesh is hostile to God.

What exactly are angels? How do they interact with humans? – Ammie Lace, University of Minnesota

Paul said that one of his past professors told him that of all the ethical things we deal with, God is number one and angels are number two. Paul also brought up 2 Kings 6:16, where Elisha had faith in angels during battle. He added that people in America are deluded that supernatural forces are not actually real.

Matt said that there is a whole other realm of cosmic powers that we just don’t see – that angels and demons are at war. He mentioned Daniel 10 as an example of this.

Paul brought up how in 1 Cor. 11:10, the language shows how the people of that time knew about angels – more than we do now.

All the questions:

• What does it mean when we say that Jesus was begotton?

• What does the Bible say about levels of heaven?

• Is Hell God turning away from you in rejection or to you in anger?

• Is it possible for people to fall from Heaven (like Satan)?

• In Colossians 1, what is the kingdom of his Beloved Son?

• Would it have been just for God not to save anyone?

• If someone were to ask, “Why can we not atone for our own sin,” where do I point them?

• What do Jews believe about when the Messiah comes?

• How did Adam and Eve populate the world?

• What exactly are angels? How do they interact with humans?

• How do demons fit into us being accountable for our sins?

• Where is the name Lucifer in the Bible?

• What’s the difference between a new earth and heaven?

• My roommate thinks she can become God by being in nature more. What can I say to her?

*Including the responses to each one of these questions would make this post longer than a daily blog post should be. This might also be a good time to ask for forgiveness for any poor note taking on my part. If I include exact words from anyone, I will put them in quotations. Otherwise, assume that I am paraphrasing.

Two weeks in

Five-cent coffee is just around the corner. But at the 2011 Summer Training Project, caffeine has nothing to do with staying awake.

Awake is the theme for the summer, and Elliot Stokes gave the first theme training June 2. He said there is an awake way to live and a sleepy way to live. We want to be awake to all spiritual truth, and we want to see the world through a Biblical lens. This is what we will be focusing on for the two months in Garden City, S.C.

So what’s been happing at Project for the past two weeks?

The staff and student leaders arrived late-afternoon May 30 and were instantly hard at work. In a matter of a couple days, 37 rooms that hadn’t been unlocked since last summer were made livable.

On June 2, the rest of Project arrived. As each new car unloaded, Larry Martini’s energy level kept rising. After the 22-hour car ride, the disciples were greeted with lots of cheering, Jordan Zurek sprawled on top of their car, and a popsicle.

It hasn’t taken long for the room leaders and disciples to get to know one another. Each room has one leader and three or four disciples. In each relatively small space, friendships have been formed, meals have been made, sin has been exposed, and dance parties have happened.

Everyone has heard a variety of thought-provoking and convicting messages. At the second theme training, Matt Reagan talked about being in awe of God. He said that God is glorified by us “receiving him and enjoying him.”

Students have also grown through learning about evangelism. Jon Saunders challenged people by saying that we are natural evangelists for what we love most. Each Wednesday, everyone at Project goes out on the beach and shares the gospel with people. On June 8, people paired off and evangelized for a little over an hour. Then, everyone sat around the pool and shared how their discussions went, praying about specific individuals.

Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays are work days. Students work at a variety of places, including Walmart, McDonalds, Krystal Burger, Sonic, and Buy Low. The Lord was so gracious to provide every person a job, and we are working to be thankful as well as joyful about work.

Every Thursday night, we have a project social. We have had two so far. For the first, everyone went to see Kung Fu Panda II, and all the disciples dressed their room leaders up as a jungle animal. It was pretty interesting. For the second social, we had a “boat social.” To sum it up: there were three spectacular performances by the pool – one with pilgrims, one with pirates, and one with The Little Mermaid. Each team had to build a boat that could take people across the pool, all the while acting out the scene.

On Sunday mornings, each team attends a different church that is close to Project. Sunday nights, there is optional worship and optional theology time. For many people, Sundays are a day to rest.

Note from Emma DeJong (author):

Hello! I’m very excited to be blogging this summer about STP. This first post is an extremely brief summary of what has happened so far. Somebody could probably right a novel about each day, but unfortunately, our schedule is pretty packed.

I’m hoping to post at least once every day. As of right now, I’m planning on posting each morning about something that happened the previous day. So basically, stay tuned and be ready to hear all about Project!

Prep Party Info

Students, bring your laptops to the prep party tomorrow to register for jobs. This is an email reminder that you are having a MANDATORY Informational/prep party for the Summer Training Project on Friday, May 6 at 6pm at Bethlehem Baptist Church North Campus. If you need a ride, contact a staff member or an older student that will be attending the party.

Dinner will be provided.

We will be filling out a few applications for jobs online, so bring your laptop if you have one. In order to fill out the application, you will also need the following information. 1. Social Security Number 2. Jobs information: - Two references from past employers - those two references’ phone numbers 3. Employment history - bring info about your last 4-6 jobs - the more you put in the better your pay could be 4. Educational Experience - dates you've attended college 5. Special Certificates and Licenses - Commercial Drivers License, automotive licenses, etc. 6. Language Skills - if you are proficient in a 2nd language

Bank Accounts: • Every summer we strongly encourage students to sign up for a local bank account in Myrtle Beach, SC • We can't force you to sign up for an account, but we dont want you to have to pay $10 fee every time you need to cash a check • It generally works very well to have an account in Myrtle Beach before you start your job at project • If you have a wells fargo account, that now works with Wachovia We are providing you the resource tomorrow at the Prep Party to get your account setup before we get to project so you can have your debit/check cards established when you arrive.

Please Bring to PREP PARTY: • Drivers License • 2nd form of ID (Social Security Card | Passport | Birth Certificate)

STP Prep/Info Party This Friday Night

Just a reminder that we will be having our MANDATORY preparation parties this Friday night. For students that attend St. Thomas or the U of M will meet at Bethlehem Baptist Church - Downtown Campus. (map below)
View Bethlehem Baptist Church, Downtown Campus in a larger map

Students that attend Bethel University or Northwestern College will meet at Bethlehem Baptist Church - North Campus (map below).
View Bethlehem Baptist Church, North Campus in a larger map

Both parties start at 6PM Dinner will be provided Bring your parental authorization form, support procedures form, any support money you have received (filled out with proper forms), and a laptop.

Contact a staff member if you have any questions.

Summer Internships

Did you know Campus Outreach Minneapolis offers several internships over the summer? You can apply for the opportunity to take part in a Summer Project or Summer Resource Center Intership

We have the following internships available in the following areas:

  • Communications / Marketing
  • Social Media
  • Photography
  • Video
  • Graphic Design
  • Financial / Accounting / Business

Nick Stromwall leads the internship and will mentor you throughout the duration of the internship

Most of the internships are unpaid, however, many schools offer you the ability to earn college credit by completing an internship.

Please fill out this webform: to apply and select your interested.

Please fill this out by April 10th, 2011

Nick will be in contact with you around then for more details.



TET: Steve Discher "Suffering"

What is the purpose of suffering? How does God use suffering in a Christian's life? "But even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you will be blessed.Have no fear of them, nor be troubled, but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect," (1 Peter 3:14-15).

Steve Discher attempts formulate a framework for suffering and how it points to Christ.

End of week 9...

There is actually less than a week left! Everyone’s last day at work was on Saturday and Wal-mart people were working early so the AiT soccer was moved to the evening (a lot more pleasant because it wasn’t as hot). On Sunday, Ken Currie led Life Training - Why People Quit Campus Outreach (theological dissonance, no time in the schedule, the pain of a broken relationship or hidden sin). Campus Time was moved to the evening, so there was free time, church and then our last Sunday to go in the pool or the beach. For Campus Time (from around 6pm-9pm) each campus met up and shared their vision and experiences from the summer – some of them played sports beforehand. Curfew was at midnight, as it will be for the rest of Project as no one works on Monday.

The Return of Staff

On Friday, at 12am (curfew) war began. The students were called together on Thursday (at 11.45pm) and told that curfew was at midnight but that they could hide around Project (within certain boundaries) and when they were hit with a water balloon throw by one of the student leaders they had to go to their rooms. By about 1am almost everyone was in their rooms – the last few people were hiding behind fridges, in water cisterns and Ken (who was on the roof last year) was in a mysterious hiding place – no one knows where. 9am found us at Bible Study Training and after some rapping from Sahr and Greg we dove into the topic “How do I study the Bible without Bible Study Training Each Week?” lead by Jens Paulson. Basically, we can do it by dependence (IOUS), discipline (have a plan) and community (getting someone else involved).

Here is the link to the Bible reading plan for Shirkers and Slackers http://www.ransomfellowship.org/publications/notes_biblereadingprogram.pdf

Everyone headed off to work and in the afternoon staff started to arrive back, it was great to see them again as well as the Curries!

Machine gunners & snipers

A morning to sleep in (for most at least; some people worked), go to the beach and relax. At beach evangelism Larry Martini (on a caffeine high) shared about “Evangelism and your college campus” with the hope that a sustained desire to give our lives away on the college campus will develop. We are called to a race (Hebrews 12:1-2) but God is to sustain us, it is about endurance. We can share our faith like a machine gunner (everywhere and to everyone, all over the place, not very accurate) and share it like a sniper (very accurate, working in one person’s life). We are to pray over August about where we can go in our college. Then, as machine gunners we hit the beach to share the gospel and got back and shared the stories. For the rest of the day, many Wal-mart workers went bowling to raise money with their co-workers, a couple of group dates went on and lots of people were organizing themselves for the presentations at the job social!