Hoping to Turn a Campus Upside Down
University of St. Thomas 2020 Campus Update
Over the past couple of years, there has been a high turnover of Campus Outreach staff, which has led to students not staying involved and this year is a reboot of CO at the University of St. Thomas. The Parable of the Sower in Matthew 13 has felt ike our theme as we are throwing gospel seeds all around and seeing which ones begin to grow.
With the COVID-19 pandemic happening and new restrictions on how the university and students would function together, we had no idea what meeting people and building relationships would look like this year. We have been blown away by God’s faithfulness to give us favor with freshmen students, and the students are already asking many deep questions as their senior year of high school and freshman year of college fell short of their expectations. As we build trust and get to know their stories, we have been inviting students to consider trying two brief introductory Bible studies to investigate who Jesus is and what he has said. We are praying that God’s word will change their hearts and bring them from death to life and therefore really turn their lives upside down from what they are currently pursuing.
Nathan Van Zee
St. Thomas Campus DIrector
Student Quote
“God has been transforming me and helping me find peace. I struggle with loneliness, but through Campus Outreach I have gotten a good community to point me to the only one who can really help.”
—Seth, Sophomore
St. Thomas Staff Team
Kelly Segura, Nate & Elli Van Zee (Campus Directors), and Billy & Hannah Kor